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Liverpool Bicycle Cooperative offers advice and information on the Governments Cycle to Work scheme through salary sacrifice.


Salary sacrifice is where your employee agrees to give up part of their pre-tax salary in exchange for a benefit from their employer, in this case, the hire of a cycle for active travel and/or safety equipment. See above image.


By promoting the Governments Cycle to Work scheme, employees can benefit from a saving of between 23%-42% off the price of  a new bike. 


  • the Government have recently removed the £1,000 ceiling to the Cycle to Work scheme – primarily to encourage the purchase of electric bikes.

  • The role of the cycle scheme administrator is key to ensure that the rules are followed to the letter to protect the tax saving benefits to the employer and the employee

  • The administrator needs to be Financial Services Authority licensed and Liverpool Bicycle Co-operative Limited have met their strict criteria and are FSA licensed.

Contact our project & Cycle Scheme co-ordinator - Colin Trigg - 07725426450 / to discuss the scheme in more detail and how we can help you.

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